Our Mission
Our mission is to provide those in need a connection to the rest of the world and clear the world of e-Waste. A cell phone allows users to potentially connect with billions. Not having a phone in today's world is detrimental to someone's future success.
Currently we donate our phones to four different charities in need.
e-Waste is a quickly growing problem around the world. Instead of throwing your phone away and damaging the environment, donate it to someone in need.
Why is e-Waste so bad?
There multiple reasons why e-Waste is bad for the environment. First, e-Waste contains harmful chemicals such as cathode rays, beryllium, barium, nickel, arsenic, lead and mercury. When these chemicals are broken down in landfills, they tend to leak these hazardous materials into both the air and soil creating an extremely unhealthy environment. To make matters worse, electronics take a much longer time to fully decompose in a landscape then compared to other materials, so the toxic materials are present for extended periods of time. These chemicals, when exposed to humans in large doses can increase the risk for serious aliments including cancer, damaged organs and more.